Scientist - Inventor - Educator
Christopher Reddy is an ocean chemist who researches oil spills, plastic pollution, and other contaminants.
For more than 25 years he has been involved with ocean disasters around the globe.
Reddy is developing marine-derived alternatives to petrochemicals with applications in the cosmetics industry.
A frequent contributor to the national media, Reddy believes that communicating with the public from a science-informed perspective is a responsibility.
Chris in the lab handling a newly collected oil sample
Photo: Matt Barton, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Science Communication in a Crisis: An Insider’s Guide was created from Reddy’s commitment to make the science behind his work accessible and meaningful to the interested public.
From a young researcher eager to share his knowledge to a seasoned scientist sought out for his expertise and communication skills, Chris Reddy shares lessons learned on the front lines of oil spills and other marine disasters — lessons that have application for scientists in all fields who wish to communicate effectively in times of crisis, as well as for journalists, industry professionals, and public servants whose work involves clear, informed crisis communication.
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Briefing Senator Elizabeth Warren at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Photo: Jayne Doucette, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Being a responsible scientist means going beyond the ivory tower to communicate science to the public, industry, and policymakers, persistently seeking out those who will benefit from new scientific knowledge and actively engaging them.
-Science Communication in a Crisis